Kids’ Bedrooms | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

Kids’ Bedrooms | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

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Kids’ Bedrooms | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

Kids’ Bedrooms | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR

Designing a kid’s room gives them a space to play, create, learn, and unwind. So, a child only wants freedom and creativity in his space. All of these features, including an appealing design concept, wise décor choices, soft furnishings, and kid-friendly furniture, help a child enjoy a healthy atmosphere and a restful night’s sleep. Finding the ideal mix between a setting that encourages a child’s development and one in which they would not want to linger might be difficult.

The Interior A to Z provide you with a wide range of enticing design concepts and vivid interiors that capture children’s energy, define their enigmatic personalities, and make an easy transition from a lively nursery atmosphere to a peaceful teen’s room.

Try A Murphy Bed For Kids

For a kids bedroom design with practical furnishings that give them more room to extend their possessions, get a Murphy bed. Instead of overstuffing children with several design pieces in the wide area, it would be sage to use strategic toy storage solutions that make it simpler for youngsters to clean up and keep their belongings orderly after playtime.

Get Athletic

Themes with a sports theme are consistently popular. Why not have their passion for their favourite sport painted on the wall? Little athletic equipment can be hung on the wall as an utilitarian alternative to a showpiece that also complements the decor of the space. Another suggestion for furniture is to avoid using straight lines and instead employ fluidity. With a dash of landscape in between all the sportiness, the otherwise indoor-themed kids bedroom design can also be given a light outside feel.

Light The Spark

Make a neon name sign for the area with a pleasant, amusing, or provocative statement. This season, neon is not only a prominent style but also becoming more and more well-liked for its creative placement. Neon lighting can be perfectly supplemented with brightly coloured storage, cheerful curtain patterns, and a desk that is painted a light colour. When neon lights are set to ignite the night’s gloom, why let the design stand out during the day?

Split The Space

Instead than just putting toys or traditional artwork to their home, take their passions to the next level by incorporating them into the décor. You can explore the feature wall in sections by trying something different in each area. A distinctive checkerboard wallpaper that resembles it was pieced together in a jigsaw adds to the racing motif. Via a thin band of reflective mirrors that mirrors the decor, the activities in the room are apparent. With protruding cubes acting as storage blocks, the area is set up and ready to go!

Dramatic Chandeliers

A fairy-light woven chandelier with sparkles surrounding a golden loop and delicate, leaf-like LEDs intertwined around it will bring the night sky into the design of the children’s bedroom. By synchronising the illuminance with the ceiling and focused lights, the subtlety of the illumination can be preserved as a design language.

I hope these ideas will help you construct the ideal atmosphere for your child’s bedroom—one that is fun and exciting while also being cosy and relaxing for sleep and relaxation.

Kids room design | Gurgaon | Noida | Delhi NCR | Best Interior Designer

Things to know to have a beautiful and suitable room for children.

With the development of today’s society, the privacy of family members is always a top priority, from young children will also be trained to be independent and separate from an early age. Therefore, right from the beginning of the idea of ​​​​designing a house, parents always give their children their own space. However, just one room is not enough, it is important and not easy to come up with an interior design idea so that your child has a space to play study and sleep comfortably. This article will provide answers for families on this issue.

Things to do before designing a children’s bedroom.

– Choose a location to put your child’s bedroom: Most of the time your child will be in the room because this is both a place to sleep, study, can also be a place for children to play and that’s why their personality and the child’s development is also partly affected by the space in which children live. Therefore, a quiet location in the house, away from noisy places but living room or dining room is ideal to ensure children have the best living space.

– Refer to the child’s preferences: If your child is too young and does not have a clear preference, he or she will need the help of parents in style orientation. For girls, parents should choose gentle and feminine colors such as pink, pink, purple, for boys, masculine colors such as blue or yellow show strength are more appropriate. If the children are old enough to know what they like, then parents should respect their preferences because this is the child’s private space. For example, if your baby likes the character of a baby doll princess, pink furniture with doll prints will create excitement for her.

– Estimate the cost that you can invest for the child’s room: This is very important because it will help you orient the style and furniture you will buy for your baby’s room. Through that, architects are also easier to come up with interior design ideas.

Things to keep in mind while designing a child’s room that you need to know.

Space: Because children are still weak and have low immunity, their sleeping and playing spaces need to be airy, well ventilated and clean.

Bed for children:

Parents need to make sure that the bed is made of good, sturdy and safe materials. The best direction to place the bed is with the head facing north and the feet facing south.

Blankets and pillows for children:

Should choose soft blankets, natural cotton or cotton; The size of the pillow is just right, should not be too big and heavy, making it difficult for the baby to sleep.

Paint the room:

For the child’s bedroom, you should choose the paint colors that are gentle and have warm light tones. Parents should choose a paint of good quality, containing as little or no volatile chemicals as possible. Currently on the market there are very safe organic paints, parents should also refer. And it is important to paint 1 week before then arrange furniture for children to move in.

Windows :

Windows need to be equipped with thick curtains to block light well and it is best to use curtains without wires. Glass doors should not be installed in children’s rooms because glass doors block ultraviolet rays, affecting the baby’s calcium production.


Do not place too many large furniture in the children’s room to occupy area, space as well as inconvenience for living. However, because children have a lot of small things, parents should buy a functional wardrobe to organize their baby’s things more neatly and scientifically.

Power sockets:

In children’s rooms, it is advisable to limit the design of electrical outlets or design electrical outlets in hidden places out of reach of children. If there is an electrical outlet, when the child begins to crawl, the electrical outlets should be glued to prevent curious children from reaching into the electrical outlet causing danger.

Lights in the room:

During the day, parents can take advantage of sunlight because it is good for the baby’s bone development, however, during periods of time without natural light, the light of electric lights is light and yellow. It will be good for children because their eyes are still weak.

Area and cost of room design for children

– Area: For children, the room does not need to be too large, but it must also have enough space for children to study, sleep and play comfortably. Area from 15m2 -25m2 is reasonable for your room.

Room design cost: Depending on the type of furniture that parents choose for the baby, the price will be different.

Practical tips to design a stylish kid’s bedroom

Elegant, sophisticated, warm, and welcome phrases are frequently included in the brief while designing a living room, master bedroom, or kitchen. Yet fun is the operative word when it comes to decorating a child’s room! Sure, it’s entertaining for the kids and useful for you. Here are some suggestions for creating unquestionably cool homes that your children will adore.

Safety first

The primary factor to take into account while creating a child’s bedroom is their safety. Every switch and outlet needs to be out of the way. Eliminate any stray wires that may be dangling about the room. Before putting up new wiring, make sure it is well-cased, and stay as far away from extension boards as you can. This is valid not only for young children but also for preteens. Make sure the cabinets are fastened to the walls with bolts if you’re planning the space for a toddler. There shouldn’t be any concern about anything dropping and hurting your infant because everything should be fixed in place. Keep everything with drawers locked.

Design rooms that grow

While your daughter is in a phase of unicorn adoration, she will want unicorns everywhere, even painted on the walls and a unicorn bed. Yet, this stage won’t last very long. She plans to switch allegiances soon and wants -themed room. The key takeaway is to listen to your child, but avoid designing the space solely around their current preferences. For a trendy kid’s bedroom, start with neutral paint colours and ergonomic, non-theme-specific furniture. Then, to give the room flair, employ décor and soft furniture. If your youngster enjoys unicorns, decorate the room with wall decals, pink and sparkling throw pillows, bed sheets with unicorn prints, and a lovely unicorn table lamp.

Maximize floor space

Little furniture is required in your child’s room. Keep it simple and make the most of your available floor space. Your child will have plenty of space to play and move about thanks to this. If you have enough room, you can experiment with the flooring material to create separate areas of the room for different purposes. Consider covering the play area in carpet and the study room in tiling. If your youngster enjoys reading, hang book racks on the wall in place of floor storage.

Store behind closed doors

The way storage is included into the greatest kid’s room interior designs is one of the things you should look out for. You will require a lot of storage for everything from clothing to books and toys. A wardrobe or chest of drawers works best for storing clothing. Your child’s shoes or extra linen can be stored under the bed. Bins with lids work well for toys as well. This makes it simpler to maintain the room’s cleanliness regardless of your child’s age.

Screen the windows

Children benefit much from natural light when playing or studying. But, kids also need to snooze in the afternoons. It may be challenging to attempt this in a well-lit space. Consider installing blackout screens on the windows as a result. Layering them with sheers or drapes with kid-friendly designs is an option. With double-layered window coverings, you can easily regulate how much light enters your child’s room.

Light it up

No matter how many windows you have in the space, artificial lighting cannot be relied upon exclusively. Add different lighting levels, just like the rest of your house. Ambient lighting can be produced using wall-mounted lights. You will need a concentrated desk lamp for your child’s study table. Also, a bedroom lamp with a low wattage bulb would be a good idea. You might even decide to install sound or motion sensors in your child’s bedroom to turn it into a smart bedroom.

What about shared spaces?

A room shared by siblings is common. In such situations, it is important to incorporate both of their personalities into the decor of their room. This can be done in a variety of ways. To offer them each their own place, you could decide to divide the room in half. There is a bed, storage, and a desk in each room. If your bedroom isn’t large enough, you could utilise a bunk bed to conserve space. The zone method performs admirably in these circumstances. Put up unique mood boards, personalise wardrobes with favourite colours, use different coloured chair upholstery, use bed linen that ties in with their current favourite theme, and other ways to allow personality shine through.

Let there be magic

The term “fun” was cited as the fundamental component of every fashionable kid’s bedroom at the outset of this piece. So, have some fun! Consider using a slide to exit the top bunk if you’re employing bunk beds. Any child’s room would benefit from a swing. Search for rugs with unique patterns. Employ fairy lights. What about some glow-in-the-dark stickers from the 1990s on the ceiling? You might think about painting the lowest portion of the wall with blackboard paint if your child is still in the preschool years.

There are countless interior design options for lovely children’s bedroom. Your child’s bedroom should ideally be a space that brings him joy, allows him to express himself, and is practical. Keep in mind that their worldviews are significantly different. Hence, even though the rest of your home may have a limited colour scheme, opening the door to your child’s room should take you to a another world filled with colour, optimism, and love. If you require assistance, please let us know! We’ve created a lot of fun kid-friendly spaces and would love to create one for your child.

Tips for Designing Better Kids’ Rooms

Making a place for your child to play and develop can and should be enjoyable. But, it can also be a difficult one. After all, creating a stunning, useful space that your child will adore both now and in the future is a rather challenging task!

Need some pointers? We have your back. This practical collection of lovely kid-friendly spaces and decorating advice from professionals is made to assist you in determining your child’s present needs and future wants so you can strike the ideal balance between functionality and pure cuteness. You’re sure to find a healthy dose of inspiration here, whether you’re starting from scratch or hoping to enhance an existing place!

Keep It Simple

In children’s rooms, less is typically more. You’ll give your child more room to play and a neutral backdrop that can be readily altered as they grow if you keep the decor simple and the furniture to a minimum.

This straightforward yet charming Instagram find prioritises playtime and offers lots of open floor space. Open shelving enables beloved toys to function as charming accents, and a floor-level, house-frame bed serves as a play area.

Focus on Play

Focus on what your child enjoys doing the most to design a space that they’ll love!

With an indoor swing, a ball pit, and an unique bed made of a house frame, this adorable Instagram find prioritises fun without compromising design.

Want to give your design a playful touch? Where your child may showcase their favourite creations is a blackboard wall or an easily updated art gallery. A built-in rock climbing wall, bunk bed slide, or ceiling-hung cargo net are other excellent solutions that promote play and aid in releasing excess energy before night.

Make the Most of Your Child’s Space

Making the most of your child’s environment is essential regardless of whether you’re dealing with a little area or a vast imagination.

Double Up on Storage

Kids come with a lot of stuff, from their games, books, and constantly-changing outfits in various sizes.

Need assistance organising the mess? Your storage space can be doubled by using hooks, wall-hugging book rails, under-the-bed storage boxes, and furniture with built-in storage.

Play With Color

Children adore colour, but picking the appropriate shade can be challenging. The notion of repainting the entire room in just a few short years is enough to give anyone colour commitment concerns, even though your child may adore all things hot pink right now.

By incorporating a rainbow of colourful objects into a simple, neutral environment that can be easily modified when your child is ready for a new design, this happy and bright kid’s room by Studio DIY offers a brilliant solution.

Incorporate Pattern and Texture

Have you ever wondered what makes the kid’s rooms on Pinterest look so…pin-worthy? That probably has a lot to do with the thoughtful use of texture and pattern.

These crucial decorating items are a competent designer’s hidden weapon since they can transform a space from boring to gorgeous with just a few additional components. They are the lovely but frequently overlooked stepsisters of colour.

Keep Little Hands and Minds Busy

If you have the room, having a play area for children is essential. In addition to keeping your child occupied, giving them a space to paint and create could benefit both their physical and cerebral development. A personal workspace might be helpful as your child gets older because it provides a private spot for them to do their schoolwork and study.

Give Them a Space to Get Away From It All

Every now and then, we all need to get away. A reading nook is a great spot to spend some quality alone time with your child and encourages them to cosy up with a book.

Kid’s Bedroom Design Ideas | Interior Design firm

Designing a child’s room can be the most exciting space to design. In fact, the possibilities are endless; the style can change with each age group, and much of the design depends on each child’s tastes and needs! Working on your child’s room can be a great experience and an opportunity to involve them in some design decisions.

When brainstorming daycare ideas, the first thing you should probably think about is what your child needs in their space. When your child is of school age, a place to do their homework is useful, and when they are a little younger, a place to store toys is important. As children go through different stages of interest, it’s also important to decide whether you want a themed space that may need to be changed in a few years or a more timeless look that will stand the test of time. A good place to compromise on this front when working on a child’s room project is to combine the two. It might even be the most profitable option. For example, painting the walls a neutral primer or just painting an accent wall can be a great compromise to painting all the walls a light colour.

It also allows you to highlight the decor of the room. Using furniture that is versatile and can grow with your child is also a good investment when designing a child’s room. There is no right or wrong way to choose furniture as long as it works for you and your child and the purpose of the room. Letting your child decide how they want to decorate their room can be a fun wayto add their own personality and take care of their space. Some ways to do this are to allow them to use their favourite colours or to feature things that may mean a lot to them, like collectibles or stuffed animals. When you hold a little Picasso in your hands, you can frame his art! There are many ways to decorate a child’s room, and we have compiled a list of child’s room design ideas to stimulate creativity and inspireyou and your child!

Interior Design ideas Kids rooms | Gurgaon | Gurugram

Redesigning your child’s room doesn’t need to cost you a fortune. Here are a couple of decoration hacks that interior designers in Gurgaon use which will give the space a fast update and won’t be harsh on your pocket as well!

Creative Gallery

Children absolutely like it when the space displays their artwork and creativity. It not only gives them a deeper sense of belonging but also reminds them of what they’re capable of and what they need achieved. The normal artwork display idea is to possess a soft board within the room and pin down your child’s latest artwork. However, differently is to connect a length of string to the wall and peg up your child’s gallery of artwork!

Creative Wall Stickers

Wall stickers became a really popular and budget-friendly means of decorating children’s room. They are available in great sort of normal wall stickers to 3D design wall stickers. You’ll select a neighborhood of the space that features a space on the wall to place the sticker abreast of. With the many fun designs that are available within the market, run wild together with your imagination and make an underwater scene or a dine world corner in your child’s room in order that he/she can enjoy daydreaming.

Add Appliqué

This can be a really stylish and fun-filled activity that you simply and your child can enjoy together.

You’ll use felt paper to chop out different shapes in several colors and stitch them onto the prevailing curtain.

Use Educational Toys as Decor

A child’s room should signify an incentive to play and learn aside from the comfort and coziness that’s in its character. Using your child’s toys, especially educational toys, during a strategic manner such it invites them to find out and at an equivalent time it contributes to the room’s décor, may be a smart way of fixing the space. Therefore, when redesigning the space, don’t just specialize in the design of the space but also invest in its purpose. Place objects that aid in learning like books, charts and puzzles in order that your child has fun while they learn.

Kid’s Room design tips and ideas

When we were little, our room was our bedroom, but at the same time it was a great shelter for us – this room was our custom set where we did homework, played, jumped and had our dreams. I used to get lost – the children’s room is very important in any home – given the importance of the children’s room, it is important that their room is separate from the rest of the rooms in the house and especially the age and tendency of the children. Whether you want to set it up or not – children love their rooms and the fact is that these rooms belong to them.

To get the most out of children’s rooms, we’ve got you covered with 7 great ideas designed for kids of all ages.

Why should the interests of children be taken into consideration?

Children who are not too young and are able to live alone in their room should have their room arranged and decorated in such a way that their interests and hobbies are provided in their room so that the children will be engaged in positive activities. And have a good time in the room.

There are some children who can harm themselves by sitting alone in the room. Considering the temperament of the children, such things should not be kept in the room so that the child can harm himself.

Interest in reading at high altitudes

When children are a little older, they are very interested in jumping and jumping from high places. The tendency of children to play and jump is found naturally. If there are high beds or other such things in the children’s room, they can jump and Keep busy in your room with sports.

Older children’s rooms

Young children enjoy spinning and playing sports, but when these children are a little smarter, their hobbies also change. Instead of playing, jumping and running in the room, these children start paying more attention to reading and writing at this age. In view of the interest and passion of the children, parents should provide the things of their children’s choice in their room so that the children can be engaged in positive activities according to their hobbies.

Childhood dreams about your future-

Some children have dreams about their future, some children want to be a doctor, some want to be an engineer, some want to be a scientist, some want to be a pilot, and some want to be a scientist when they grow up. Considering these tendencies of children, such items should be used in their room according to the taste of the youth.

Use of decorative items

Whether it is a children’s room setting or room decoration, you choose the furniture or decorate the paintings in the room. Bring cushions or rugs for the children’s room. Make sure that all these things will have an effect on the child’s personality. Everything will definitely affect the child’s mind.

Doll house

Girls love to play with dolls. A cute doll house is what every girl wants and of course a doll house is perfect for any girl’s interest and positive activity in the room – dolls in girls room, dolls She will have a great time in her room if she has a house and other similar things.

Choice of creative activities

There should be a desk in the room for children up to the age of fifteen where they can sit and spend time in their creative work. These children will definitely be busy with their job responsibilities in the future, so it is better that you Get in the habit of working in a systematic way – it will definitely be a great thing for the child to use his time well.

Youth from Bachpan

When a child reaches the age of puberty, many changes take place in it – these changes cause the child to start taking interest in new things instead of childhood hobbies – the child’s tendencies also change with age. That’s why older children’s rooms should be redesigned according to their needs.

Love of colors

Kids enjoy the colors – blue, yellow, green, red, purple. Every child has some favorite colors. Make sure to use the children’s favorite colors in their room. Bring used items and enjoy your children’s favorite colors instead of worrying.

Crawling children’s hobby

Early childhood children enjoy crawling on the floor. Depending on their age and this hobby, you can choose soft carpets, less furniture and better toys in your children’s room.

Characters of stories and tales

Almost every child is anxious to hear stories and anecdotes, especially girls who are eager to read and listen to the stories of princes and princesses. The characters of Tarzan and Batman are very important.  Children are very happy when things related to these characters are used in the children’s room .

Decorate the children’s room with white color

Although you don’t think white is good for kids, the fact is that it’s great because the child can see everything in that color very clearly – that’s why using white can help you. The baby will feel very calm and relaxed –

Color the child’s personality

Although a few months old baby does not have a personality, the personality begins to develop with the age of the baby. That’s why you should adopt the best strategy and put the best color in your child’s personality.

Choice of favorite cartoon-

Children’s favorite cartoons are a big focus of their interest. Every child has different favorite cartoons that he enjoys and enjoys watching cartoon movies. Use these cartoons in the children’s room. The child will be very happy and a positive activity will be created.

Create movement in children

There must be things in the children’s room that stimulate their thinking and action positively – counting frames, word toy toy coloring books are examples of this.

Decorating the room with space objects

For children who are interested in space travel, space information and space objects, using all these things in decorating the room will definitely be the best strategy – and the child will have positive thinking by looking at the things he likes.

Decorating the room with transport items

Some children are very interested in transportation – information about car models and ships is usually a favorite subject of boys – such interested children’s room if pictures and models of cars, planes and boats, etc. Has a great effect when decorated with-

Tradition and personality

Usually the child sleeps with his parents – but when the child grows up he wants to live in a separate room – unless you can prepare the child’s room, there is no problem in moving your child to the living room. Although this room is not ready for the child, it is important for the child that he is living in a separate room, which has a great effect on the child’s personality.

Gradually separate the child from you

Children are accustomed to sleeping with their parents and it is difficult for them to sleep in a separate room. He has the right to use his space and be ready to live in a separate room.

Gradual change in children’s rooms is necessary

Lastly, parents should keep in mind that it is important for children to change the layout of their rooms according to their age. It also happens that for growing children, their bedrooms are just a memory.

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