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Choosing the Right Side for Your Bed: What You Should Avoid

Understanding Bed Placement

When designing your bedroom, the placement of your bed is one of the most critical decisions you’ll make. A well-placed bed can enhance your space, promote restful sleep, and create an inviting atmosphere. Conversely, placing your bed incorrectly can lead to discomfort and strain in your living space.

Side Bed to Avoid for Better Energy Flow

According to feng shui principles, the side of the bed you choose can significantly affect the flow of energy in your room. One commonly advised rule is to avoid placing your bed against the wall opposite the door. This positioning can create feelings of vulnerability and anxiety, disrupting your peace and restful sleep. Instead, consider positioning the bed where you can see the doorway but not directly in line with it.

Considerations for Bedroom Layout

Another side to avoid is a window-side bed placement. While it might seem appealing for the natural light, sleeping next to a window can lead to disturbances from outdoor noise, temperature fluctuations, and lack of privacy. Moreover, placing your bed against a wall that shares a bathroom or kitchen can also introduce undesirable disturbances, making it crucial to evaluate your layout carefully.

In conclusion, the side of the bed you choose plays a significant role in your overall bedroom experience. Aim to create a serene and balanced environment by avoiding positions that could compromise your comfort and sleep quality. Thoughtful bed placement ultimately increases the enjoyment of your personal sanctuary.

When positioning a bed in a bedroom, various factors can influence the best placement, including feng shui principles, personal comfort, and aesthetic considerations. Here are some guidelines regarding which side of the bed may be less ideal for placement:

1. Avoid Placing the Bed Directly in Line with the Door

  • Description: Positioning the bed directly facing the door can create a feeling of vulnerability.
  • Feng Shui Perspective: In feng shui, this position is often referred to as the “coffin position” and is thought to disrupt sleep quality.

2. Avoid the Corner Side Against a Wall

  • Description: Placing the bed in a corner with one side against a wall may limit accessibility and create a cramped feel.
  • Consideration: This can make it difficult for both partners to get in and out of bed comfortably, especially if the bed is larger.

3. Avoid Placing the Bed Under a Window

  • Description: While it may seem appealing to have a view, placing the bed directly under a window can lead to drafts, noise, and lack of privacy.
  • Feng Shui Perspective: It’s believed that this position may also lead to a feeling of instability.

4. Avoid Placing the Bed Against a Wall with Heavy Furniture

  • Description: If one side of the bed is next to a heavy dresser or large bookshelf, it can create a sense of pressure.
  • Consideration: This may not be aesthetically pleasing and can obstruct airflow around the bed.

5. Avoid Directly Facing Mirrors

  • Description: Having a mirror directly facing the bed can be unsettling for some people.
  • Feng Shui Perspective: In feng shui, mirrors are believed to reflect energy, which can disturb sleep.

6. Avoid Placing the Bed Near Electrical Equipment

  • Description: Placing the bed close to televisions, computers, or other electronic devices may not be ideal.
  • Consideration: The electromagnetic fields from these devices can potentially disrupt sleep quality.

Additional Considerations

  • Accessibility: Ensure both sides of the bed are easily accessible for both partners if shared.
  • Natural Light: Consider how sunlight enters the room; having the bed in a spot that receives too much direct morning light may disturb sleep.
  • Flow of Movement: Ensure there is enough space to move around the bed without obstacles.


The best bed placement is one that promotes comfort, accessibility, and restful sleep. Consider personal preferences, room layout, and any cultural or philosophical beliefs you may hold regarding space and energy. If in doubt, it can be helpful to experiment with different placements to find what feels best for you.

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